If you would like to help maintain and improve Paddington Old Cemetery then there are several plans afoot that require volunteers or expertise…

Volunteer events tend be organised via a more direct whatsapp alert system. If you would like to be included please sign up as a member and let us know your details

We organise regular litter picks to keep the space looking pristine and encourage good behavior, these are approx monthly and if you would like to receive the whatsapp alerts please let us know.

We have several schemes ongoing or being planned to improve the biodiversity and better support the bees, insects, birds and wildlife. The wildflower meadow is established but requires occasional maintenance. We have planted hedgerow around the mound that needs a bit of attention until it has grown high enough to beat the weeds. We are currently in the process of a major tree planting plan with Brent Council phased over 5 years to plant replacement specimen trees in various locations around the cenetery. You will notice new trees lining the historic avenues including elms, Austrian pine, holm oaks and limes. We will also be thinning the sycamore trees from the woodland in the South East corner and replanting more diverse species of trees.

We would welcome expertise in biodiversity to conduct a survey of wildlife and better understand the changes over time in the space.

We have introduced a Heritage Trail to provide better understanding of the many renowned characters buried within Paddington Old Cemetery. Research is ongoing and we will add to this as further stories are uncovered.

We will continue to push for the full renovation of the Chapel buildings and will be looking for opportunities for funding to help make this happen.

We also answer a number of queries from the public researching their relatives that may be buried in the cemetery. We help them find the grave locations.


We are hosting regular meetings again. Please come and find out more about how you can help . If you’re not already a member you are welcome to turn up and join there and then (£10 a year, £5 concessions) and vote in our first elections, for co-chairs, treasurer and secretary. Or just listen to our plans and give us the benefit of your experience and enthusiasm.


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